Thursday, November 05, 2009

Fun Ranch Halloween Special

I found out about the Halloween party at n@w. I saw the post about 3 days after it was posted and it was mentioned there that they will be accepting limited kids only. I tried my luck and sent an email to register my kids. After few days, nawies started posting that they received their confirmation from FunRanch...and I still don't have the email. I thought I did not make it to the cut off. So I was surprised when I received the email confirmation.

Actually, we've never been to Fun Ranch or Tiendesitas :) I told Eric to just drive along C5 and we'll just see it...hahaha. With goodluck, we didn't have to ask anybody for direction..we were able to find our way on our own...hurray for peeps bad in direction.

We bought the ride all you can ticket for Basty...needless to say, he had so much fun. Alec had a blast too. But Alec was afraid of the mascots, while Basty even wanted to be carried by them.

The next day, Basty was telling me that he wants to go back to "CRANCH"...I did not understand at first, but he said he wanted to ride the carousel and the plane...i finally understood that he's talking about Funranch :)

Here's our pix:

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